Introductory price
General problem solving. Recommended in case of any WP issues! Your site isn’t loading? Links won’t load or your admin page? We will support you in solving these issues and restore your website, so it can work again as expected.
Your website got hacked? Not an issue. We will solve the problem as fast as possible while providing warranty on our work! We will help with restoring your website and prevention for the future!
Slow website? We will find the cause and provide you with the right information on how to speed up your website. Bonus: we will optimize all your images to the right size without losing quality (lossless optimization)
With our WordPress maintenance and support solution, your sites are slim, fast, and secure.
Slow website? We will find the cause and provide you with the right information on how to speed up your website. Bonus: we will optimize all your images to the right size without losing quality (lossless optimization)
Would you like a full backup of your website that could be restored at any time? We will keep a backup for up to 2 years of your website and restore it for free whenever you need it. If you wish, you can even keep a downloaded copy too.